Hi. First of all, we want to say that we are sorry to hear that someone you love has died.
We know that you might be having lots of different feelings right now, and you might have some worries too.
It’s ok to feel the way you do.
When someone dies it can affect us all in so many different ways and at different times. There are other children and young people who are going through similar things, and feel just like you too.
We want you to know that we are here for you and can help you.
I am a child or young person

you can talk to us about your worries and how you are feeling
Caroline is our:
‘Children, Young People and Family Coordinator’ - and perhaps has the longest job title in the world, ever?!
You can talk to Caroline. She can help you and give you the support that you might need.
"I still get angry
sometimes but use
something from the
toolbox to help, so it
doesn't last as long"
what's important now?
A parent or guardian will get in touch with us at The Haven. We’ll have a chat with them and have a chat with you as well, to find out what’s important to you now. We call that WIN! Do you see what we did there … WIN … What’s Important Now. Clever, huh?!
This WIN chat will be a time for you to tell us about the things that you like or make you happy, the stuff you’re worried about and a time to ask literally any questions that you might have.
Caroline will tell you about how The Haven could support you and your family. We might also tell you about any other organisations, services, and websites that could help you – we call that signposting. Helping you to find the best support possible. Because you matter!
This first chat might be all you need from us at the moment and that’s fine. But The Haven is here for you whenever you need us. You can come back to The Haven at any time; as often as you need.

we are here for you
There might be some of the things we talk about that you think sound good or that you’ll enjoy and find helpful. Great! We will help you and a parent or guardian put together a tailored programme of support for you. Programme of support…that’s another super fancy title isn’t it!
Yours will be made up just for you and might include a mixture of
Support Sessions
Support Activities
Wellbeing Sessions
Wellbeing Activities
You can click here to find out more about them.
Also just so you know we will review your tailored programme of support with you sometimes to just check that you’re still finding it helpful. As time goes on we might suggest some other things you could try out.
"I don't have
those really
down times
or feel scared
any more"
what do you need to do?
You don’t need to do anything right now. Maybe chat with your parent(s) or guardian about The Haven and if you’ve got any questions, they might be able to answer them. Or if not, when you have a meeting with Caroline, you can ask any questions you have then.