Covid Statement
The Haven is still here for you.
Haven services have evolved to meet the needs of The Haven client groups post Covid 19 and all Haven services are currently being delivered digitally by telephone and video calls, with Haven centres temporarily closed to clients.
At the moment, The Haven’s immediate focus is on the continued delivery of these digital services across Lanarkshire. Clients tell us that this support is very effective in helping them cope with illness and caring responsibilities and therefore digital support services will continue to be a major element of Haven support in the future.
At the same time, the potential for ‘in person’ Haven services is continually being reviewed by The Haven Board of Directors and CEO, in line with Scottish Government guidelines and organisational and client needs.
Haven clients are most often in the higher covid risk categories and the safety of our clients is of the utmost importance. We are very mindful of the ongoing need and desire by many Haven clients to continue to reduce unnecessary contact and to maintain social distancing. We are therefore following very closely the best practice guidance relating specifically to health and social care settings and services (eg. social distancing, ventilation).
As each of our Haven centres have very different physical layouts, rooms and spaces, we are therefore looking very closely at all our services and at each of our Haven centres to determine how and where Haven ‘in person’ support could best be delivered in the longer term.
In the meantime, please be reassured that The Haven is still here for you. We are just a phone call away.
Client quote: “We are so blessed to have found you and received the support we did at a time when the world seems in such a confused state.”
For further information or to access support, please telephone 01555 811846 or e-mail info@thehavencentre.com. We are available Monday to Friday, between 10am and 4pm. www.thehavencentre.com